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Medical Skills Training and Refreshers

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Courses may be provided on-site and tailored to your company’s training needs. Call (337) 521-3430 to find out how we can customize your company’s training programs.

Hearing Conservation Awareness

***This course is part of CORE Training Day 3.


The Hearing Conservation Awareness program is a knowledge-based training program that meets Occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines for training and education pertaining to occupational noise exposure. The program specifically addresses employees whose daily total noise exposure would equal or exceed the established 8 hour time weighted average (TWA) sound level of 85 decibels measured on the “A” weighted scale, in the hearing conservation procedures.

Protection against the effects of noise exposure will be provided when the sound levels exceed those designated by the standard. Employers must make copies of this standard available to affected employees.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of Hearing Conservation Awareness training, the student will be familiar with:

  • The use and care of provided hearing protectors for affected employees
  • The effects of noise on hearing
  • The purpose of hearing protectors, the advantages, disadvantages, and attenuation of various types, and instruction on selection, fitting, use, and care
  • The purpose of audiometric testing, and an explanation of the test procedures

Additional Information

Course Length: 2 hrs

Course Required By: OSHA

CFR Reference: 1910.95(i)(4) and (k)

Written Exam: Written and hands-on competency will be evaluated at the end of each course. Incorrectly answered questions will be reviewed with student to ensure understanding before completion of course.

Student must demonstrate the correct method of using hearing protection.

Retraining: Student is responsible for retraining every year.

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Course Registration

Training questions? Email us at

Courses may be provided on-site and tailored to your company’s training needs. Call (337) 521-3430 to find out how we can customize your company’s training programs.