Billing Specialist Julia Hesse must be doing something right. She was recently nominated by three people as an SMS Standout! Regional Manager Joe Moseley nominated Julia for her quality of work. He says, “Julia is be nominated for her attention to detail and good communication. Since taking on the role of billing for one of our biggest clients, Julia has done an excellent job.”

Her second nomination came from Field Support Supervisor John Guilbeau for excellent performance and quality of work. John says, “Julia has only been with SMS for three months yet performs like it’s been three decades. She is very thorough and detailed with her work and if something is out of place Julia will question its accuracy.”

The third nomination came from Business Office Manager Sheila Hebert for quality of work. Sheila says, “Julia strives every day to make positive connections with our employees and customers. She took on a project with a mission of collecting invoices that have been churning in their system for months. It is always a thrill and a sense of accomplishment to receive payments for invoices that you have worked diligently to collect. Her success is an example of what can be achieved by working closely with the customer and being persistent. Thank you for your willingness to dig your heels in and represent SMS in such a positive manner.”

employee recognition Lafayette











We wanted to find out how a rockstar like Julia spends her days by taking a peek into the day in the life of Julia Hesse. She likes reading, hanging out with her dogs and eating sweet potatoes.

AC: Describe a typical day at work.

JH: Most of my days are spent billing our customers for the AWESOME services we provide!  I also spend time answering emails, verifying employee time and expense submissions and working collections.


AC: How do you get pumped up for the day?

JH: I listen to K-Love every morning on my way to work! It helps me start my day in a positive way!!


AC: What was the best vacation you have ever taken?

JH: We visited the Great Smoky Mountains a few years ago.  It is such a beautiful area. The hiking almost did me in but the views were so worth it!

AC: What is your favorite thing about your job?

JH: My favorite part of my job is being part of a great team!  We are all willing to help each other out.








AC: What food could you live on for a month?

JH: I could seriously live on sweet potatoes for a month!


AC: How do you stay motivated at work?

JH: I enjoy a sense of accomplishment.  Each day I have goals to get certain things accomplished and that motivates me to stay focused.

AC: Tell us about a moment that changed your life.

JH: The birth of my son, Thomas!  After many years of hoping and praying, my husband and I were finally blessed with him.


AC: What is your favorite activity outside of work?

JH: I like to read.


AC: Name one book that inspired you professionally.

JH: Dale Carnegie’s How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.


AC: Which talent or superpower would you most like to have and why?

JH: I wish I was a great cook!  It would save me money.


AC: Do you have any pets? What are their nicknames?

JH: We have two cocker spaniels, Zoe and Baylor.


AC: A penguin walks through the door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he here?

JH: Hola!  You just won a cool million!

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