Congratulations to our SMS Standout Victoria Louviere. Victoria exemplifies dedication, focus, and attention to detail. Recently, she implemented new testing and screening processes for COVID-19 and assisted in communicating how to conduct these new processes to the team. She tirelessly works to make sure our client’s assets are kept safe from COVID-19  outbreaks. Great work, Victoria!

We were able to get a glimpse into what a day at work looks like for Victoria and learn some fun facts about her.

A.A. Describe a typical day at work.

V.L. A typical day at work is checking and screening over 160 individuals to go offshore, and working alongside case management to get individuals cleared to go back offshore from being sick.  


A.A. What was the best vacation you have ever taken?

V.L. A trip to Mexico.


A.A. Describe yourself in one sentence.

V.L. I’m easy to talk to and outgoing.


A.A. What is your favorite thing about your job?

V.L. Working with amazing coworkers, case management, and supervisors. Also, I enjoy the friendships made in this company.


A.A. What food could you live on for a month?

V.L. Pizza.


A.A. Do you have a side hustle, hobby, or volunteer group that you’re involved in outside of work? What else do you spend your time doing?

V.L. My hobbies are fishing, hunting, and being outdoors.


A.A. How do you stay motivated at work?

V.L. Staying organized and having a great team to work with.


A.A. What has been the most fulfilling moment in your career so far?

V.L. When I was site lead of one of the COVID-19 sites. Also, being able to travel to different states for work.


A.A. Who would play you in a movie?

V.L. Melissa McCarthy.


A.A. Tell us about a moment that changed your life.

V.L. Becoming an EMT and being able to travel for work.


A.A. What is your favorite activity outside of work?

V.L. Fishing.


A.A. Which talent or superpower would you most like to have and why?

V.L. Flying would be my superpower, so I could get to places faster.


A.A. What was the best advice you were ever given?

V.L. Never stop learning.


A.A. Do you have a bucket list? What are the top 3 things on it?

V.L. Travel the world, skydive, and swim with sharks.


A.A. Do you have any pets? What are their names?

V.L. No pets.


A.A. A penguin walks through the door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he here?

V.L. Hola Mi amigo,Comemos, so we go to eat some fish tacos.

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