Congratulations to our SMS Standout Willie Allemand. Willie was recognized by one of our contract partners for the outstanding work he has done on their project. They exclaimed he was a true asset and would not have made it through the project without him. Thank you, Willie!

We were able to get a glimpse into what a day at work looks like for Willie and learn some fun facts about him.

A.A. Describe a typical day at work.

W.A. A typical work day includes collaboration with other SMS staff, agency partners, and facility leaders to meet the needs of the customer. Building healthy working relationships with each group has helped me to succeed in surpassing our customer’s expectations in regard to the management of staff while meeting each customer’s staffing needs.  


A.A. What was the best vacation you have ever taken?

W.A Definitely, taking my wife and FOUR children to Disney last November.  Worth every penny to see three of them experience Disney for the first time. My wife and I traveling to Cabo San Lucas for our honeymoon comes in a close second.


A.A. Describe yourself in one sentence.

W.A. 110% driven to succeed by supporting a team approach to success.


A.A. What is your favorite thing about your job?

W.A. I get to work with an amazing administrative team that is professional, dedicated, and supportive of each other.  Everyone pulls their weight and provides direction when there is a task at hand.


A.A. What food could you live on for a month?

W.A. Soft Shell Crabs


A.A. Do you have a side hustle, hobby, or volunteer group that you’re involved in outside of work? What else do you spend your time doing?

W.A. Avid fisherman and hunter. Also, I volunteer lots of time to assist in the recreational activities of my four children. It is amazing to see what children can achieve when they set their mind to something. We just finished this summer’s swim season and two of the four children received hardest worker honors. Proud Daddy!


A.A. How do you stay motivated at work?

W.A. I stay motivated by staying up to date on new continuing education which keeps me knowledgeable and relevant as the medical field constantly evolves.


A.A. What has been the most fulfilling moment in your career so far?

W.A. Getting to work with Troy Plaisance, FPC, for three years. He has helped turned me into the pre-hospital clinician that I hoped I could be.


A.A. Who would play you in a movie?

W.A. Ray Barone


A.A. Tell us about a moment that changed your life.

W.A. The birth of my first child. My priorities changed instantly.


A.A. What would be your advice for future [safety professionals]?

W.A. Attitude is everything!


A.A. What is your favorite activity outside of work?

W.A. Fishing, just don’t get to do it as much anymore with four kids.


A.A. Name one book that inspired you professionally.

W.A. Chicken Soup for the Nurse’s Soul. This book reminds me of why I chose nursing as a career path.


A.A. Which talent or superpower would you most like to have and why?

W.A. Time travel; the gift of second chances is immeasurable.


A.A. What was the best advice you were ever given?

W.A. Die first, then quit! -Mark Creswell


A.A. Do you have a bucket list? What are the top 3 things on it?

W.A. My family and I are making a point to check off those things now.  Every year we pick places we have never been to and arrange to do things we always wanted to do because we are definitely not promised tomorrow.


A.A. Do you have any pets? What are their names?

W.A. Roxie – Large Breed Dog

Luna and Lucy – Outdoor Cats

Mittens and Bobcat – Luna’s recent babies (available for adoption).


A.A. A penguin walks through the door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he here?

W.A. I’m ready for Carizzo Springs. Who’s coming?

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