Operations coordinator Nila Dartez was recently nominated for an SMS Standout by Safety Specialist Troy Scott for excellent performance and quality of work.

Troy says, “I just want any concerned personnel to know that Nila Dartez is doing fantastic work. She keeps contact and works with any special needs that people have in scheduling for those working in West Virginia. Nila just seems to go that extra mile for everyone and does so with a great attitude whenever speaking with her via phone, email or text. While working for SMS in North Dakota 2012 to 2015. I always felt like I was “out of sight, out of mind” for the company. Nila is a major link in the chain of breaking that impression that lets us know that even though we are not working in Lafayette; Acadian/SMS still knows we are here. We sat down with Nila to find out what a day in her life is like.

AC: Describe a typical day at work.

ND: Non-stop


AC: What was the best vacation you have ever taken?

ND: Family beach vacation


AC: Describe yourself in one sentence.

ND: Rather loud and energetic    


AC: What is your favorite thing about your job?

ND: I enjoy doing travel for all our employees – getting them to and from work.


AC: What food could you live on for a month?

ND: Spaghetti


AC: Do you have a side hustle, hobby or volunteer group that you’re involved in outside of work? What else do you spend your time doing?

ND: We enjoy hunting and my pups Zoey & Cooper is my pastime every day of the year.  


AC: How do you stay motivated at work?

ND: It’s not hard to stay motivated because I LOVE my job.  Helping people out is very enjoyable. The end result of a happy employee just keeps me going.  


AC: Tell us about a moment that changed your life.

ND: Becoming a mother.


AC: What would be your advice for future [safety professionals]?

ND: Stay true to yourself and enjoy what you do.  


AC: What is your favorite activity outside of work?

ND: Hunting and relaxing at our camp  


AC: What was the best advice you were ever given?

ND: Always be honest


AC: Do you have a bucket list? What are the top 3 things on it?

ND: Travel the United States and definitely visit Niagara Falls  


AC: A penguin walks through the door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he here?

ND: I’m hungry, let’s go eat? 

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